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FCC tea is a blend of three nutrient-rich culinary spices — fennel, cumin, and coriander — to strengthen the gut, boost the immune system, remove toxins, soothe inflammation, and burn unwanted fat. This tea is loaded with healthy and necessary minerals and nutrients.


What is FCC Tea

A traditional ayurvedic tea blend, FCC tea or CCF tea is a famous digestive aid with three aromatic spices – fennel, cumin, and coriander. Together, these three spices create a perfect combination to support every system of the body. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Fennel is a sweet and moisturizing spice that can decrease vata and pitta. Cumin is pungent to reduce vata and kapha, and coriander is bitter and cool to support pitta. It is a perfect combination for balancing all three doshas or five elements of the body.

FCC tea supports the digestive system in multiple ways such as stimulating appetite, reducing gas and flatulence, soothing gut spasms, IBS, and inflammation. It provides detoxification by increasing lymphatic function. It supports respiratory health, reduces mucous formation, balances blood glucose levels, burns unwanted fat, reduces cramps, promotes mental clarity, and much more.

Ingredients*: Fennel, Cumin, Coriander
*Made with certified organic ingredients

Direction: Add 1/2 teaspoon of the FCC mixture to 1 cup of water. Adjust the ratio of herbs to water if needed or desired. Bring it to a boil. Once it’s boiling, remove it from the heat and steep it for 30 minutes. Strain the herbs & drink! It should be enjoyed warm for a better result.

Caution: Cease the use in case of any discomfort. Keep it away from extreme heat and moisture. for pregnant and nursing women, consult a healthcare provider before use.

***If you like to increase healthy rasa, aka circulating fluid or plasma, consider trying SomDhara Rasa Tea.***


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