
What is Yagya? More than just a ritual, yagya is a symbol of noble deeds based on scientific principles. Ancient Indian Rishis discover a way to remove a negative atmosphere through yagya. Yagya is the best way to awaken the divinity in each heart because the benefits of yagya are very subtle. Through persistent endeavor, it can penetrate the depth of human personality and successfully transform it. The unseen powers which lie hidden within us are awakened and given an organized direction by yagya.  Yagya comes from the Sanskrit root ‘yajan’, which means CollectivenessPraising good qualities Donation Moral teachings from Yagya Yagya teaches us the art of living; whatever we take from the environment, we should give it back after purifying. The fire of yagya…

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Bali-Vaishva Yagya

What is Bali-Vaishva Yagya? Before consuming our food, we should dedicate a small part of it to God, and pray to get rid of all kinds of debt. Ancient sages used to carry out a simple Balivaishva yagya, which is a small sacrificial ritual. ‘Bali’ means sacrifice or gift, and ‘vaishva’ means for everyone and everything in the entire universe. In the Hindu religion, offering food to human body is a type of yagya. Food is considered God as our body’s existence depends on it. Our birth, development, and maturity are dependent on food. It is responsible for the formation of plasma, blood, muscles, fat, bones, nerves, bone marrow, and reproductive tissues. But food also has a subtle part to it; apart from affecting the…

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