What is Yagya?
More than just a ritual, yagya is a symbol of noble deeds based on scientific principles. Ancient Indian Rishis discover a way to remove a negative atmosphere through yagya. Yagya is the best way to awaken the divinity in each heart because the benefits of yagya are very subtle. Through persistent endeavor, it can penetrate the depth of human personality and successfully transform it. The unseen powers which lie hidden within us are awakened and given an organized direction by yagya.
Yagya comes from the Sanskrit root ‘yajan’, which means
- Collectiveness
- Praising good qualities
- Donation
Moral teachings from Yagya
Yagya teaches us the art of living; whatever we take from the environment, we should give it back after purifying. The fire of yagya inspires us to imbibe the following five idealistic qualities in our life –
- A fire has the characteristic of always being warm and bright – which is teaching us to always light a sattvic fire in our hearts and sharpness in our thoughts. It inspires us to remove our inner darkness.
- The flame of fire always goes upwards – which teaches us that despite all the concern of our life, fear, or temptations, our wisdom and feeling should never go downward.
- Anything coming in contact with fire becomes fire itself – inspire us to have excellence in our character filled with positiveness, excitement, ambition, and glee, which can be an inspiration to thousands to be refined.
- Fire accumulates nothing. Whatever is offered in the fire is vaporized. It is scattered throughout the atmosphere and becomes universal – without selfish deeds, we should be generous and utilize all our resources and qualities for the betterment of humanity.
- The residue of fire is ashes. Ultimately physical forms of all human beings are going to be reduced to a handful of ashes. We should always remember the inevitability of death and utilize every moment of his life in the best possible manner.
Subtle energy science of yagya
While performing yagya, two basic energy systems are combined – the heat of the fire and the sound of a mantra. The heat of fire subtilizes matter into energy and expands its potential and positive effect in the surrounding atmosphere. The sound of the mantra helps to refine the subtle energy of matter. The power of sound vibration can penetrate the energy spheres at the subtle and cosmic levels. In combination, they help to achieve desired physical, psychological and spiritual benefits.
Benefits of yagya based on scientific research

- It is based on the ‘Zero waste management principle’. Whatever it takes from the environment; it purifies through heat transformation and gives it back to the environment without creating any waste residuals.
- The vapor of yagya ascends and creates negative ions. Negative ions neutralize free radicals, enhance immune function, purify blood, revitalize cell metabolism, and promote healthy digestion. It cleans airborne allergens like dust, mold, fungi, bacteria and viruses, pet dander, and cigarette smoke. By balancing the autonomic nervous system, it promotes healthy brain function and deep sleep. Scientific research proves that it helps to make clouds and bring rain.
- Scientifically proven that vapor of yagya goes to at least at a 15 km radius, which benefits everyone in this radius with good health, strong prana, and a positive mind.
- Research shows that it reduces or kill pathogens in 20 meters radius
- Reduces nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide from the environment.
- Removes total suspended solids (listed as a conventional pollutant in the US) from the atmosphere to remove toxins and purify the environment.
- The remaining vapor goes back to water and purifies water by killing harmful bacteria.
- More effective than pills and/or injection, it is the simplest way to deliver the medicinal effect of herbs. It directly goes to the bloodstream and treats the disease. Through yagya, you can give medicinal benefits to hundreds of people at one time. It is the best option for mass benefits.
- The remains or ash of the yagya is very high in soil nutrients, the best option to increase the fertility of soil.
- Most importantly, it fills the area with a pleasant and soothing smell.
The materials used for Yagya

- For daily use, small copper yagya kund or fire pit with a shape of an inverted pyramid. The shape allows the controlled generation and multidirectional dissipation of energy in the surrounding atmosphere.
- Ghee (clarified butter)
- Dry coconut piece(s)
- Water
- Plate and spoon
- Common havan samagri is the combination of many herbs (more than 50) for different purposes like fumigation, combustion, good smell, purification, valorization, protection, medicinal condition, etc. (‘Havan Samgri’ can be bought from any Indian store)
Yagya Procedure
- Pavitrikaran (Purification) – it is important to purify physically and mentally before starting yagya.
- Take some water on your left palm, pray for purification, sprinkle all around you, including yagya material
- Good to do short meditation or practice pranayama for few minutes before yagya
- Invocation
of God – In every religion, there are different forms of worships to invoke
God’s grace to receive His blessings
- Guru Mantra – only true devotion can invoke the power of God and Guru represent the combined energy of all different powers
Om gururbrahma gururvisnuh, gurureva mahesvarah
Gurusaakshaat parabrahma, tasmai sri gurave namah
- Agnisthapan – lighting the fire
- Yagya fire represents the energy of creation and our life is infused with it.
- Ignite the diya with mantra chanting – Gayatri mantra
Om bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ tat-savitur-vareṇyaṃ
bhargo devasya-dhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt
- Make a water boundary – to create coolness around the fire, which will lead to peace
- Take some water in a spoon; sprinkle one drop on the east side, then the west side, and then the north side, followed by all the sides in a circle.
- Gayatri Mantra Aahuti (Offerings with Gayatri Mantra) – 3 to 5 mantra aahuties, more if time permits
- Offer a small amount of herbal mix with the ring finger and thumb; while uttering
Om bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ tat-savitur-vareṇyaṃ
bhargo devasya-dhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt
swaha, idam gayatryai idam namam
- Mahamrutyunjaya Mantra Aahuti (Offerings with Mahamrutyunjaya Mantra) – 1 to 3 mantra aahuties, again, more if time permits
oṃ tryambakaṃ yajāmahe sugandhiṃ puṣṭi-vardhanam
urvārukam iva bandhanān mṛtyor mukṣīya mā ‘mṛtāt
swaha, idam mahamrutunjayay idam namama
- Purnahuti (Conclude offerings to release negativity) – time to contemplate the teachings of yagya and to receive power to fulfill them
- Take a small piece(s) of dry coconut and a bit of ghee in a spoon. Offer it to the fire while chanting the mantra
Om purnamadah purnamidam, purnat purnamudachyate
Purnasya purnamadaya, purnameva vasisyate

- Receive energy through palms – absorb divine energy in form of light, good health, sharp memory, and a long life with wealth and prosperity
- Place both palms near the fire to feel its warmth. Remember to pray from the heart
- Bhasmadharan – inspire to live a life with higher purpose because the physical body will become ash at the end of its journey
- After the fire has gone out, and the ash is cooled down, take some ash with your right-hand ring finger, apply it to the third eye (between two eyebrows).
- Spread remaining ash in the garden for the healthy plants; it is a very good fertilizer.