Nutritious & Yummy breakfast oatmeal recipe

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it decides the strength of our digestion for the whole day. According to Ayurvedic principles, morning comes under the Kapha time zone which represents cold, dull, and heavy qualities with low digestive fire. To balance this, you should have a warm and easily digestible breakfast. Healthy grains for Breakfast Oats are an ideal healthy grain choice for breakfast, and quinoa and flattened rice are added to increase its nutritional values. Milk, nuts, and seeds are very good sources of nutrition. The spices are loaded with health benefits and make the oatmeal lighter and less mucous forming. This warm well-nourished recipe is perfect to construct healthy body tissues and to build Ojas (For more information on…

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What is Yagya? More than just a ritual, yagya is a symbol of noble deeds based on scientific principles. Ancient Indian Rishis discover a way to remove a negative atmosphere through yagya. Yagya is the best way to awaken the divinity in each heart because the benefits of yagya are very subtle. Through persistent endeavor, it can penetrate the depth of human personality and successfully transform it. The unseen powers which lie hidden within us are awakened and given an organized direction by yagya.  Yagya comes from the Sanskrit root ‘yajan’, which means CollectivenessPraising good qualities Donation Moral teachings from Yagya Yagya teaches us the art of living; whatever we take from the environment, we should give it back after purifying. The fire of yagya…

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Sweet & Spicy Balls

Makes approximately 24 balls Preparation Time: 15-20 min Ingredients: ½ cup Almonds ½ cup Pecans ½ cup Cashews ½ cup Shredded Coconut 25 gm Raisins 50 gm Dates (weight without seeds) 25 gm Jaggery 2 TBSP Ghee (clarified butter) [Vegan option: 2 TBSP Coconut Oil] ½ TSP Cinnamon Powder ½ TSP Dry Ginger Powder ½ TSP Cardamom Powder ¼ TSP Nutmeg Powder Preparation: Cut raisins in half for best results. If you have jaggery in big uneven cube then cut it in small pieces before adding into a food processor. Now add all the ingredients in the food processor, and mix it for about 2 minutes until everything is well-grounded and mixed. Once finished, transfer to a bowl. Thereafter, roll them in the palm of…

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Bali-Vaishva Yagya

What is Bali-Vaishva Yagya? Before consuming our food, we should dedicate a small part of it to God, and pray to get rid of all kinds of debt. Ancient sages used to carry out a simple Balivaishva yagya, which is a small sacrificial ritual. ‘Bali’ means sacrifice or gift, and ‘vaishva’ means for everyone and everything in the entire universe. In the Hindu religion, offering food to human body is a type of yagya. Food is considered God as our body’s existence depends on it. Our birth, development, and maturity are dependent on food. It is responsible for the formation of plasma, blood, muscles, fat, bones, nerves, bone marrow, and reproductive tissues. But food also has a subtle part to it; apart from affecting the…

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Water as Medicine

Yes, if we know its proper use, then water can be a medicine! I still remember a saying from my childhood, “we should drink our breath, eat our water and ruminate our food.” The message behind this saying is to do everything slowly and with complete awareness. In this article, I would like to share some guideline which I follow to keep my body healthy and energized. Some of them I learned while growing up, and some from studying Ayurvedic medicine. But they are all very useful and extremely easy to follow. I am sure you know some of them already. We all know that our human body is made up of 55 to 60 percent of water. In children, the percentage is even higher.…

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Ojas: The Essence of Life (With Yummy Recipe)

Ojas, a Sanskrit term, is translated as the abundance of vitality and vigor, or sometimes life itself.  Food is obviously an essential part of the physical body. When we eat food, it goes under several stages of digestion to build different tissues in the body. Of course, the quality of these tissues depends on the type of food we eat, and most importantly the digestive power of our body. Good quality food and healthy digestion make healthy tissues all over the body. After a month-long digestive process, the food is converted into seven physical tissues. These seven tissues are plasma (Rasa), blood and blood cells (Rakta), muscle tissues (Mamsa), fatty tissues (Medas), bone tissues (Asthi), nervous system (Majja), and reproductive elements (Shukra). After the physical…

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Brahmi: “The Herb of Grace”

Abstract The use of alternative medicines has increased significantly around the world. The search for effective and safe medicines is always on as well as new uses of old medicines are being looked into. Brahmi is an Ayurvedic medicinal herb that has been used for centuries. Certain neurological disorders have limited therapeutic options in Western medicine and hospitals and research institutes across the globe are increasingly looking into Ayurvedic science for effective and safer alternatives. Brahmi is a well-known nootropic herb and its uses in neurological and psychiatric disorders are well recognized. Its efficacy and safety are supported by research and thousands of years of knowledge and experience. Despite being such an old medicine, its new benefits are constantly being studied. Brahmi is one of…

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